How are you playing the wretched and noble hand you've been dealt to restore your holy, empowered self?
I was preparing a storytelling workshop series for professional women who wanted to craft their origin story when I came across a scrap of paper with these lines:
“No life, however charmed, is un-visited by searing disappointment, numbing grief, chilling betrayal, dull routine, crushing defeat, or exasperating detail. And there is a great restorative dignity and holy self-empowerment in playing to the best of one’s ability the hand one is dealt, however unwinning it may seem.”[William Sebrans]
It’s the perfect workshop opening. Why? Because these words call on us story makers, shapers, keepers, and tellers to face the rough stuff, heels dragging in the dirt, kicking and fighting along the way for no other reason than to restore our holy selves by playing the hand we’ve been dealt. It’s the way of the world.
Story Prompt:
As your stories grow you, slowly revealing their secrets, how are you playing the wretched and noble hand you’ve been dealt? Write that story!
Practical Tip
The magic of stories is also in the sharing. If you wish share your story with someone or something. All that matters is you have a story.
Story Prompt Friday: How Are You Playing the Hand You’ve Been Dealt? written by Diane F. Wyzga in association with Beauty & the Beast Publishing. Photo Edson Junior on Unsplash.